Penelope of the Year

2024-2025 Penelope of the Year Honoree
Helen Santire

Penelope of the Year

The 2024-2025 Penelope of the Year recipient is Helen Santire of Houston, TX!

Sister Helen is a 30-year member of Achaia Chapter No. 054 in Houston, Texas.

The Penelope of the Year program of the Daughters of Penelope was instituted in 1958. Through this program members at the Supreme Convention each year, select a recipient who is recognized as an outstanding Daughter of Penelope, who excels in contributions and service to the Daughters of Penelope throughout her many years of service, as well as having participated significantly in the Greek Community, to civic and charitable organizations, to various civic endeavors, and has served and provided unselfish assistance to the Daughters of Penelope and her community

An application form for a qualified member is submitted by a chapter to the District Committee or Chairman. At the District Convention of each District, delegates review and select a District Penelope of the Year. A pin is presented to recognize the District Penelope of the Year in recognition of this achievement. The application of each District's Penelope of the Year is then submitted to the Supreme Convention Penelope of the Year Committee Chairman for consideration. At the Supreme Convention delegates serving on the Penelope of the Year Committee select the Sister who is recognized as the International Penelope of the Year. Her example of outstanding and distinguished service serves as an inspiration to all Sisters throughout the Daughters of Penelope domain.

Congratulations Sister Helen on this well-deserved honor!